Mittwoch, August 10, 2005

Week 2

Monday: After visiting the Katz and the Panther Central for some more paperwork (still no student IDs), we joined the others to visit the Carnegy Mellon Museum of Art and Natural Science. The science part was so so, mostly because the Dinosaur section was under construction. The same judgement applies to the arts section, there seemed to be no particular order in which the paintings and sculptures were presented, e.g. Van Goghs hidden in the corner of the room. Still the arts section is a must see.
Tuesday: Christian arived at 2 am, so we made it to the university a bit later than usual - but what a surprise our student Ids were ready for pick-up. Hooray! Finally we'reregistered human beings within the US.
Afterwards we did some shopping and went downtown (again), this time making it to the Golden Triangle and the Strip. Both wre nice but not very impressive. We still need to find out where the high life is at.

Samstag, August 06, 2005

Arrival at Pittsburgh

Never fly to Philadelphia - seriously. Our flight from Frankfurt to Phili was delayed, so we missed our connecting flight to Pittsburgh. The next flight took off 90 minutes later, unfortenately we had to wait 45 minutes on the rollway for some reason. Finally after 19 hours of traveling we made it to Pittsburgh. Some queer taxi driver took us to our penthouse, which is quite large but also rather dirty. We spent the first day discovering the campus and downtown. The campus is realy nice, not comparable to any German campus.
The buildings like the cathedral of learning are very impressive. Downtown is rather boring, but we did not make it to the golden triangle or the strip district.
Yesterday we had the first meeting with fellow students, free beer (Yuengling, a local lager, is quite good), free pizza - our money is well invested here. Most other students are a bit older than us, most of them are from the US, India or China - so far we're the only Europeans. Later we tried to go to Matrix a local club, unfortenately we did not find it and after some time we gave up as all establishments in Pennsylvania have to close down at 2am. But atleast we had a nice nightly city sightseeing tour.
Later today we plan to do a bbq with the other German students. Most of the day we spent cleaning our kitchen and discovering the neighbourhood a bit.

Donnerstag, Juli 28, 2005

Leaving on a jetplane

Less than a week to go till my flight to Pittsburgh, PA leaves...
... packing time!

Montag, April 11, 2005

Knowledge Management Wiki

FrontPage - Knowledge Management Wiki
We just finished our presentation on the topic - you can view in the wiki linked above.

Sonntag, April 10, 2005

Microsoft Encarta wird zum Wiki -

Microsoft Encarta wird zum Wiki - as you can read in this german news article of, Encarta will allow it's users in the future to edit articles. The original news can be found in the encarta blog.

Sonntag, März 27, 2005

An easy start?

Reading once more through webpages concerning (we)blogging, preparing for a presentation on the use of wikis and blogs as social software in knowledge management, I decided to start a blog dealing with the process of research for the presentation.
The presentation is a coursework for the knowledge management lecture at the ebs tought by Prof. Riempp, who unfortunately hasn't got a personal webpage to link to - or at least google says so.
Recommended reading for today is the Wikipedia page on blogging where you can also get some information about this service.